True Dog Deer Antler Powder is a premium, cruelty-free raw food supplement designed to strengthen your dog's bones, joints and mobility. This fantastic product is packed full of naturally nutritious goodness such as Protein, Calcium, and collagen, to name a few, that will help keep your dog happy and healthy.

Antler powder is the perfect addition to fussy eaters' food or dogs with teeth problems alike. The resealable pouch and scoop provided will also help keep each use mess-free and always fresh for the next one.

The best bits?

Feeding Guide

This supplement can be easily added to your pets food at the following amounts (per day):


Deer Antler Powder

Analytical Constituents:

Crude Ash 51.55%, Crude Protein 37.68%, Calcium 20.39%, Crude Moisture 12.93%, Phosphorus 9.11%, Magnesium 0.42%, Crude Fibre 1.31%, Magnesium 39mg/kg, Iron 150mg/kg