Air Stone Curtain Bubble Bar Aquarium Fish Tank Air Stone - Choice of 4 sizes

Air Stone Curtain Bubble Bar Aquarium Fish Tank Air Stone - Choice of 4 sizes

What are these Swell Air Curtains?

These Swell Air Curtains are long airstone strips specially designed for use in aquariums. As air is pumped through the fine pores in the stone, a wall of tiny air bubbles is produced. These air bubbles keep your water oxygenated and your fish happy.

How do I install these Swell Air Curtains?

These Swell Air Curtains are incredibly quick and easy to install. Just grab a piece of airline tubing and attach one end to an air pump and the other to the spout at the top of the airstone. Once you've done that, place your airstone in your aquarium and watch as a fine wall of bubbles climbs your aquarium's glass.

Our Swell Air Curtains come in a variety of lengths: 10cm, 15cm, 20cm and 25cm. As the airstones get longer, the bubble wall they produce will get bigger. The larger sizes are great for large-sized tanks, while the smaller sizes are better suits for small and medium-sized tanks.

What are the benefits of these Swell Air Curtains?

These Swell Air Curtains are a great way to introduce more oxygen into your water column, which is essential for fish development and lush and vibrant plant growth.

A big stream of bubbles will also keep your water moving, ensuring that waste and debris doesn't settle at the bottom of your aquarium and begin to rot. In partnership with a filter, these Swell Air Curtains will keep your water clean and crystal clear.

Product Specifications

Product Dimensions Airline Fitting
Swell Air Curtain 10cm 4 x 10cm 4mm
Swell Air Curtain 15cm 6 x 15cm 4mm
Swell Air Curtain 20cm 8 x 20cm 4mm
Swell Air Curtain 25cm 10 x 25cm 4mm