Custom Pokémon Battle Deck - Melmetal Juggernaut v2

Have you ever wanted to try competitive Pokémon but don't know where to start? Here is your shot!

I've always enjoyed deck building and theory crafting more than playing. This deck almost certainly won't win a regional, but with your friends, kids, or a local, this should be competitive. And, this deck is fully legal for tournament use as of 8/24. All cards are currently in rotation.

The pre-made decks from PTCG Co. have no strategy, no synergy, and poor balance of cards. This deck has all of those at a budget price point. You will receive a deck made of all the cards shown. (Actual art may vary between sets)

Melmetal VMAX is an energy hungry card, and there hasn't been a great budget friendly energy acceleration until S&V launched. Quaquaval finally helps to get energy on him quickly. Revavroom draw engine and Radiant Steelix for the fun last hurrah. A new and improved version of my previous Melmetal deck.

If you are looking for more decks, I'm consistently adding new decks at various price points.