
Calendula is an herbaceous showy plant with medicinal properties that adds color to the garden spring through fall. Calendula has a reputation for repelling garden pests while attracting beneficial insects and pollinators to its profuse amount of showy flowers .

Calendula officinalis ‘Resina’  is a strain developed by medicinal herb pioneer Mark Wheeler, in his quest for the highest resin content calendula variety. This calendula is best known for making potent infused oils for herbal salves and burn ointments, due to the high resin content. This variety has both yellow orange and yellow flowers with mostly single layer of petals.

In mild climates such as USDA zones 9-11, calendulas are perennial, and in all climates, they naturalize easily. Calendulas can be grown as an annual in USDA zones 2-11.

Seed can be directly sown in the garden, or started in containers indoors 6 to 8 weeks before planting date at 1/2 inch deep. Germination generally occurs in 5-14 days. Plant in the garden 9-12 inches apart. Plants grow 12-20 inches tall.