Do not limit these beautiful little ornaments to Christmas. They could easily be used for spring or summer decor. 
*With base color of green the furthest left has small yellow 5-point flowers top is navy blue with burgundy band. It is almost a marocca shape.
*The next has a navy base with 2 large pink flowers surrounded with green leaves, a white bulb sits under the main ball and a cone shape is under that with four six sided geometric shapes of lighter blue in the shapes.
*In the center is an inverted tear-drop shape with pearl like drop on the end. The base color is burgundy with a full bloom peachy-pink large flower surrounded with dark green leaves and on the back a newly opening smaller flower.
*The second from the right is another bulb with a bright red coating. Inside the red are white flowers with green leaves. On top and bottom of the red is navy blue with the lower one having gold design going down. Below that is a white band and below the white band is a pale green each section separated with a gold band. At the very bottom hangs a pearl orb.
*The furthest right side has a base of pale green with peach centered gold-colored flowers amongst gold vines and darker colored slender leaves. The top is navy with periwinkle band under it and periwinkle is on the bottom tip as well. This ornament is longer narrow inverted tear-drop shape.
All are strung with a sheer gauzy light-colored ribbon. Being enameled there are lines of gold wire around all color changes or detail of designs.