This company started south Africa 2009 by artist Lynne Lange et al-i think these items (teapot and set of 2 tall mugs, v pretty/unique/decorative) likely created when company first formed as they don't make this stuff any longer, you cannot even find an archived image online. They mostly seem to do candles/candle holders now. Rare rare rare. New unused boxed, boxes bit aged. I'm colour blind but would say items ivory coloured and seem unglazed IE they have a Matt feel NB just checked-both mugs and teapot glazed on inside, unglazed exteriors. Very detailed, well made but the little decorative petals etc won't take a bashing . For what it's worth this brand comes available on eBay v infrequently-only item could find in sold folder was a piddling (used?) LP candle holder which went for £27 all told=I value your interest and offers are welcome but comedy offers are not. I appreciate these items may/may not be niche interest but if you pepper me with insulting offers I'll blank and likely block you. Sounds abrasive but I get tormented by empty-heads on the regular eg "no, I won't sell it for 6 magic beans". Appreciate your understanding

Lighter for scale

Thanks for looking got a load of other stuff including similar and rarities up too

No buyers with substantial negative feedback/very low amount of feedback at least 8 transactions at 100% attempt to buy with less and I'll cancel and block you