This is a self-produced "book" with comb binding, apparently produced in France by "A. Lambert" in 1991. The captions/narrative is in French. It is entitled "La Chasse aux Mines en Baie de Seine" (The Hunt for Mines in the Baie de Seine). The Baie de Seine is the bay between Le Havre and Cherbourg, south of the English Channel and includes the area of the WWII Allied Normandy landings.

Eight hand-drawn, hand-colored, laminated pages, on Kodak photo stock, including the cover. Illustrations include "scenes de chasse" - La Veille, L'Echo, Le tir du PAP, Identification PAP, Intervention des Plongeurs Demineurs, Accident de Plongee, pour exercice, Exercices avec la Calliope (19-nov-1991) - 3 pages, Nordet 19-20 nov 1991.

My limited research on this topic shows that the Calliope was one of the Circe class of mine hunters constructed by Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie, and that PAP is an acronym for "Poisson Auto Propulsé". According to wikipedia this class of mine hunters is or was tasked with clearing mines from the area of the Allied landing beaches in Normandy. 

Of interest to students of clearance diving, clearance divers, mine warfare, the Normandy landings, D-Day, Operation Neptune, Operation Overlord, naval warfare, naval history, Navy divers, and underwater demolition.