Do not compare this battery to a dangerous and poor performance Chinese clone. This battery is an original item; it is genuine OEM.

We test the battery with battery testing hardware to ensure that it actually works. We check the wear and tear level. The older and more used the battery is, the more wear they will have, meaning the less battery life the battery will have.

Remember, clones are usually a bit of a scam as the batteries usually have fewer cells than advertised and sometimes are old worn-out batteries with fake chips and new casing, which give you terrible performance, poor battery life, and can be dangerous.

Battery health key:

  • 100% New
  • 80% Good
  • 60% Acceptable
  • 50% Poor ***** Most new clone batteries perform around here.
  • 40% Replace

This battery health: 86%


Genuine Samsung Battery AA-PB9NC6B R428 R519 R580 R730 R780 NP-RV510 NP-R530 86% battery health.

Pulled from a working computer, excellent condition and hold's a good charge. 86% battery health.

Part numbers