These are some custom vintage STAR WARS action figures, made by combining parts from various different figures.  All have working joints and can hold a pose.  Some have tiny rubber bands around some of their joints to keep them tight.  Some have been partially or completely repainted.  

Why custom action figures?  Well, custom action figures transform a mass-produced commodity into a rare and unique collectible with a personal, hand-made feel!  They are also Earth-friendly by recycling broken action figure parts and keeping them out of the waste stream!  You may find some of the combinations odd, but that's kind of the point, and they made sense to me at the time!  The intention is to not take it all too seriously, just enjoy!  A good way to liven up your vintage STAR WARS figure collection, or populate your own Cantina! 

FYI try to NOT pull outward on the arms, legs, and head, depending on the figure they may come out.  In most cases you can just push them back in, but just wanted to let you know to be careful!

Not intended for use by children under the age of 14.  

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