The Blue Water Lily is a tropical aquatic plant with stunning blue flowers and large, circular leaves. It is an herbaceous perennial that has underground rhizomes and leaves on long stalks that float on the surface of the water. The flowers are violet-blue and they are held above the surface of the water. They are star-like and have many narrow petals. It is native to Asia and the Pacific from India to Australia. Hardy in zones 10-12.

Growing Instructions for the Blue Water Lily

1. Fill a small container with garden soil, not potting soil. 2. Sow the seeds on the surface of the soil. 3. Cover the seed with a thin layer of fine sand. 4. Fill an aquarium or a bowl with enough water to submerge the pot with the seeds under 2-3 inches of water. 5. Provide light and warmth for the seeds and the seedlings. A grow light placed 18 inches to 24 inches above the seeds works well. The seeds take 3-4 weeks to germinate. When the first leaves reach the water surface, they can be transplanted.