The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine is the world’s longest-lived tree species and it is the oldest non-clonal species on the earth. Many individuals are over 4000 years old and some are more than 5000 years old. It is native to the higher mountains of the southwestern United States. The seeds are rare and difficult to obtain. It is very cold hardy and tolerant of poor, dry soils. Hardy in zones 4-7.

Growing Instructions for the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine

The seeds need to be planted when received or stored in a refrigerator until they are planted. 1. Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours. 2. The seeds like well-drained soil. Prepare a mixture of half potting soil and half sand, perlite or vermiculite. Put the soil in a pot. 3. Sow the seeds 1/8 of an inch deep. 4. Water the soil so that it is moist but not wet. 8. When the seedlings are a few inches tall, they can be transplanted.