S&S Northern AVGTFT Merlin Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Gas Monitor

The Merlin CO2 24hr AVG TFT by S&S Northern is a household Carbon Dioxide Monitoring System. Provides a visual indication of the present CO2 Levels, Past 8 hours, 24 hours and the maximum recorded CO2 level in the 24hr period. 

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is present in the external air we breathe at concentration levels of around 400 parts per million and is not harmful to health at low concentration levels. However, as people release CO2 into the air when they exhale, increased levels of CO2 in occupied buildings can occur. This is generally accepted as being a reasonable indication that ventilation action is necessary. CO2 monitoring equipment should be provided in the apartment expected to be the main or principal bedroom in a dwelling where infiltrating air rates are less than 15m3/hr/m2 @ 50 Pa. This should raise occupant awareness of CO2 levels (and therefore other pollutants) present in their homes and of the need for them to take proactive measures to increase the ventilation. Guidance on the operation of the monitoring equipment, including options for improving ventilation when indicated as necessary by the monitor, should be provided to the occupant. For more detailed information on the provision of guidance to occupants, reference may be made to “Domestic Ventilation” Scottish Government 2019.

The installed monitoring equipment for CO2 should be mains operated and may take the form of a self-contained monitor/detector or a separate monitor and detector head. The monitor should have an easily understood visual indicator and be capable of logging data to allow the occupant to gain information on CO2 levels for at least the preceding 24 hour period. If the detector/monitor has an audible alarm this should be capable of being permanently deactivated. CO2 monitoring equipment should be capable of recording and displaying readings within a range of at least 0 – 5,000 parts per million. The equipment should also be capable of logging data at no more than 15 minute intervals, over a 24 hour period. A carbon dioxide detector requires a free flow of air to operate correctly, it should therefore not be located in an space that is likely to restrict the free movement of air.

Unless otherwise indicated, a carbon dioxide detector head should not be sited:
  • If mounted on the celling it must be within 300mm of any wall if wall mounted, install within 150mm of the ceiling
  • Away from curtains, blinds or furniture where it cannot be obstructed
  • Away from any doors or windows, or next to an natural air vent or similar ventilation opening. As this will give the occupant false readings
Unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer, a carbon dioxide monitor, with an integral detector, should be mounted between 1.4m and 1.6m above floor level. A carbon dioxide detector head should not be sited within 1m of the expected location of a bed-head. If you require any further information please feel free to contact the manufacturer direct.

This sensor is designed to inform the occupant when action is required to improve ventilation conditions. Specifically designed in line with the Scottish technical handbook October 2019.

Dimensions: 140mm tall x 95mm wide x 32mm deep