I would like to answer the many questions regarding some eBay sellers. I know my shop has ceramics of a much higher standard than what can be found from other sellers. it is clear that the high price does not define the beauty of an object, anyway many sellers do not have their objects available, & since I was recently asked for help & to verify some eBay users, I noticed that despite selling at a low price quality of the quality objects, I didn't find anything disconcerting, everything is ok, you just have to be careful to check that they actually have the objects they sell. Generally the items are not in the seller's possession, so once payment has been made, your item will certainly be shipped by someone other than the seller, this is a fairly common practice & is permitted within certain parameters. but we are still talking about ceramics that are not considered high quality where it is possible to more easily push up the original price. Simply pay attention where are located 🙏  作 hermitage Seigan  Yamane Kiyoshi 玩 work Oni  Hagi Ware bowl "Into the white"  12 x 8.5 CM

box, cloth added to the chawan.


We deliver Japanese tradition art of Japan to the world

We help finding Hagi, Bizen, Shigaraki , Shino and Karatsu Ware which you are looking for.

We can find anything u like On request 

If you're looking to buy ceramics, This is the right place for you! For thousands of years, pottery and ceramics have been a large part of both the art world and everyday life there in Japan. Like all other aspects of Japanese life, the production of ceramics is a lesson in patience and meticulous craftsmanship. As a result, Japanese ceramics are like nothing else in the world. Whether you're a lot into ceramic i assure you that here you will see ware you can't miss. I only buy on the japanese market things i like, because i trust only in my point of view.


We want build a Mountain Cabin and tea room.
we are about to start a new project, which will not be possible without your help. I invite you to buy ceramic and participate in this project which will then be shared with everyone you, every customer of the most loyal ones without notice will certainly be part of it and you will come one by one invited here in the enchanted Dolomites. This space wants to start with an arrangement to restore the gallery in another reality where we subsequently hope to open a beautiful room from tea art gallery. we have reached $127,000 and we still lack $85,000 to be able to reach and create this dream, I didn't want to have donations because we don't need them, we just want to push you to buy the ceramics. I would really like all of you to be part of this beautiful project, there are so many of you and it would sincerely be enough for each of you to be able to buy some ceramics for this dream to come true, than to also see this gallery move exponentially ahead far & beyond.
Manuel Jensa