Field & Trial Junior is a complete dry dog food, specially developed and formulated to support the continued growth and development of puppies (from approximately six months old) and young dogs.

Generations of young dogs have been reared on Field & Trial Junior and it remains a firm favourite. Field & Trial Junior has been carefully formulated to ensure the correct level of key nutrients to support ongoing growth and development are provided in a highly digestible form and the kibble is of a size and shape to suit young dogs of different ages, shapes and sizes! Junior is an ideal ration for moving puppies onto, to support their growth and development to adulthood, and creates a nutritional “stepping stone” from Puppy food to Adult food. Junior can be fed from approximately six months of age (depending on breed) until maturity is reached, growth has slowed, and adult size has been reached.

This recipe has benefits for joint, heart, digestive and cognitive health.

Carriage will be free next day delivery. All orders after 8.30am will be processed next working day.

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Channel Islands

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AB 39

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