The plant that I ship is about 1 ft tall.

Birkin philodendron is a relatively new -- and especially trendy -- philodendron variety that boasts large, dark green leaves liberally streaked in creamy white. Each leaf is different so you can enjoy an ever-changing display throughout the year.

A slow-growing houseplant, it makes for an excellent addition to your favorite desk or tabletop when young. As it matures, it can reach 3 feet tall and wide or so as a houseplant. Believed to be a sport of Red Congo, Birkin is a self-heading philodendron (meaning it does not climb and is self supporting). You sometimes see Birkin produce leaves with red patches, or leaves that are entirely reddish-green. 

What kind of light is best for the Birkin?
An important thing to remember about Birkins is that direct sunlight is their worst enemy. It’s probably counter-intuitive since plants need sunlight to live, but too much of a good thing can be bad. Direct sunlight can burn and damage the leaves or dry out the plant. Birkins respond best to indirect or shaded sunlight.

A great place to keep your plant is behind a thin shade or on an east-facing windowsill. Interestingly enough, if you’re able to give your Birkin plenty of shaded light without it getting too hot, the pinstripes on the leaves actually turn bright white.

The newest leaves on my Birkin have a lot of white, and it’s very bright. I’ve got it relatively far from a window, but it’s under a grow light. I’m loving watching the leaves coming out with stronger and stronger variegation!

Soil and water needs
Nutrient-rich soil that retains moisture is best for Philodendron Birkins. The soil should retain water without flooding the plant or becoming soggy. A good peat-based soil will absorb moisture and increase aeration without waterlogging the roots.

Something to keep in mind—soil that is in unglazed clay or ceramic pots will dry out faster than in glazed or plastic ones. So take a look at your pot when gauging your soil and water. Terracotta pots will dry out your soil much faster, for example.

One of the most crucial aspects of Philodendron Birkin care is keeping your plant hydrated. In spring and summer, the soil must stay damp, but in winter the soil should mostly dry out before you water it again. Drainage is necessary to keep healthy roots; if it’s overwatered it could develop root rot.

If you notice the leaves are drooping, it could be an indication you’re not watering your Birkin properly. Waterings one to two times a week, but be sure the top soil is dry before watering again. 

Birkins and humidity
Humidity is another thing you should watch out for when caring for your Birkin. Remember, Philodendrons come from the rainforest, so they grow best in the most possible humidity. A good place to keep them is in a bathroom window, where they’ll get both sunlight and humidity.

If you don’t have a bathroom with decent lighting, you can mist the leaves or add a humidifier. During their growing season, mist them every two days, and in the winter, you can cut that down to twice a week.

Another great way to maintain their humidity is putting them on a pebble tray filled with water. As the water evaporates, the plant benefits directly. This keeps the excess water out of the soil, too.

If all of this sounds like too much work, consider a higher humidity environment like a greenhouse cabinet. I have an Ikea greenhouse cabinet that I set up, and my birkin has lived on the bottom shelf off and on. This environment helps keep humidity levels high, too.

Birkins are about as vulnerable to pests as other houseplants, but since they thrive in higher humidity levels, they are especially vulnerable to spider mites. Spider mites love warm, dry environments, so keeping humidity levels high is a great way to help prevent spider mites.

If you notice webbing on the undersides of the leaves, it’s likely spider mites.

Philodendron Birkin growth
What makes Birkins such great house plants is that they grow slowly. You can pick a beautiful pot and chances are, you’ll never have to repot it. At the very least, you can go several years with the same pot. Birkins grow best in humidity, damp soil, and indirect sunlight. 

Birkins have evergreen foliage, so the pretty leaves survive throughout the year. They have dark, green, glossy leaves with variegation. The leaves have creamish, white pinstripes which appear as the leaves mature. These unique leaves can grow as long as 20 centimeters, and are in the shape of ovals with pointed tips.

These plants can grow anywhere from 50 to 100 centimeters tall, but because they are slow-growing, this could take a while. To keep your Birkin growing, regularly wipe the leaves clean of dust and replenish with nutrient-rich soil.

One thing to keep in mind is that Birkin plants are toxic and have calcium oxalate crystals. Ingestion of these toxic crystals can cause issues with kidneys, so keep them away from children and pets.

How to propagate the Birkin
Propagation can be done through cuttings. The best time to take cuttings is during spring or summer when the plants are growing and are at their strongest. Stem cuttings are the best way to cultivate Philodendron Birkins.

First, cut off a stem with a sharp blade. Then remove most of the leaves from the stem you’ve cut, only leaving one or two. Place those cuttings into a pot with moist, peat-based soil or basic, nutrient-rich soil.

Put the pot in indirect sunlight and make sure it’s in a humid environment. The temperature should be warm but not too hot. In two to three weeks you should see sprouting, followed by leaves. This is a sign that your Birkin propagation has been a success

Other random philodendron Birkin care FAQs
Now that I’ve had my Birkin for a while, I figured I’d update this post with a few more questions I’ve gotten about the plant! This post has really caught on, and I’m so glad you all have found it 🙂
Why is my philodendron Birkin yellow?

You’re probably overwatering it. This is likely due to your philodendron Birkin being in soil that is too heavy. I left my Birkin in the soil from the nursery for quite a while and finally repotted it a few months ago. I used a high-quality indoor potting soil with a handful of orchid bark, a handful of peat moss, and some extra perlite added in.

This is all to help with moisture retention without making the soil too soggy and wet. I water my plant thoroughly, letting the excess soil drain out the bottom of the planter. Then I wait until the soil completely dries out before watering again. I haven’t had any issues with yellow leaves.
How big does a philodendron Birkin get?

Birkins can start out quite small, but most I’ve seen in stores are 6-12 inches tall. When growing your Birkin indoors, it will probably get between 1 and a couple feet tall. Also keep in mind that the plant grow both up and out, so it can take up a larger amount of surface area.

Pictures show adult plant and its possible applications.
The pot is not included. Root ball of the plant comes in a plastic poly bag, sealed to maintain moisture for the 3 days that the plant is in transit.
Height of the plants is measured from the base of the root ball.
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