Terms of Sale

All sales final, unable to accept returns under any circumstance.

Item descriptions such as (but not limited to) "compact", "large print", "thin", "wide margin", "genuine", and etc are typically taken directly from manufacturer, publisher, or online sources and in rare cases may not meet buyer's expectations. Please research and use caution when bidding or purchasing.

If item is listed as having "no writings" or any derivative, I've made a good faith effort in inspecting item but I unfortunately cannot place a 100% guarantee unless it is New/Like New. I do have very good eyes, however.

Thanks for your interest. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Fast responses!

Positive feedback is always very much appreciated.

Payment Option(s)

PayPal Logo

Please disregard eBay banner regarding "Payments". Unfortunately, I do not have a merchant account for any of the major credit card companies, and so the only acceptable payment option is PayPal.

Shipping Information

Unless otherwise stated, USPS media mail is the method of choice for applicable items.

I take pride in making sure items get sent to their new owners safely. I do my best in packaging them carefully and storing them in a clean and smoke-free environment while listed. I am in no way a commercial or large scale seller -- items are often times delivered in recycled but protective packaging material.