Koi Angelfish, also known as Pterophyllum scalare, are a popular and attractive species of freshwater fish that are often kept in aquariums. Koi Angelfish are prized for their stunning appearance and graceful swimming behavior. They make an excellent addition to well-maintained community aquariums and are enjoyed by hobbyists for their beauty and occasional breeding activities. Proper care and attention to their social and territorial behavior are important to ensure their well-being in an aquarium setting. They are a variation of the common angelfish, but they are distinguished by their striking and vibrant coloration. Koi Angelfish are known for their distinctive appearance, which can be described as follows:

Coloration: Koi Angelfish have a color pattern reminiscent of koi fish, which is characterized by a mix of vibrant red, orange, yellow, and black markings. These colors create a beautiful and eye-catching display, making them highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts.

Body Shape: Their body shape is laterally compressed, giving them a tall and thin appearance. They have long, triangular dorsal and anal fins, as well as flowing pectoral and pelvic fins that add to their graceful appearance.

Size: Adult Koi Angelfish typically reach a size of about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) in length, making them suitable for medium to large aquarium setups.  The size of these fish approximate the size of a US half dollar in total.  Body size is the size of a quarter

Personality: Koi Angelfish are generally peaceful and social fish, especially when kept in groups of three or more. They are known for their calm and elegant swimming behavior, which adds a touch of grace to any aquarium.

Temperament: While they are peaceful for the most part, Koi Angelfish can be territorial, particularly when they are breeding. During breeding, they may become more aggressive in defending their nesting site. It's important to provide them with enough space and hiding places in the aquarium to reduce territorial disputes.

Care: Koi Angelfish require a well-maintained aquarium with stable water parameters. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a temperature range between 75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (24 to 28 degrees Celsius). They are omnivores and can be fed a diet consisting of high-quality flake food, pellets, live or frozen food like brine shrimp, and vegetables.

Breeding: Koi Angelfish are known for their breeding behavior, where they lay their eggs on flat surfaces such as leaves or rocks. The parents are typically dedicated to guarding their eggs and fry, and successful breeding can be a fascinating experience for aquarists.

Photos are of the Parents, as well as representative samples of the juvenile fish which you are buying.  Actual fish delivered may have different color patterns. 

TRACKING:  You will receive your tracking number, please make necessary arrangements to receive package and DO NOT leave package in the elements. Advise your postal service to leave package at post office if you cannot receive on time. We cannot be held responsible for packages being left in the elements. If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask!

SHIPPING:  We ship only on Mondays to ensure live arrival during the week. Shipping is focused on delivery of your fish with as minimal holding or waiting by the post office on weekends or Holidays.  We reserve the right to modify our shipping routines to address holiday delays and or inclement weather storms during winter months.  We will send you a note prior to shipping to confirm acceptance criteria and to inform you of your shipping specifics.  We do not ship to HI, AK, or PR.  If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask!

LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE: We guarantee live arrival on all of our products. If you suspect any issues with your order upon arrival we must be notified within 2 hours of delivery.

Shipping is very stressful for all fish which must be attended to right away. In a rare case that your livestock is dead on arrival, please take clear photos of the product (prior to opening the bag) and send it to us. Once we have the clear photos, you may choose a replacement or a refund for the lost items. Failure to follow our policy may result in no replacement or refund. We ship with Cold/Heat Packs as necessary depending on the elements. If DOA, we will reimburse the cost of the fish. Buyer must pay shipping costs to have a replacement sent.  



Step 1: Pour entire contents from the shipping bag into a clean "fish-safe" bucket. (Should be able to hold 3-4 times the amount of water shipped with the fish.)

Step 2: If you have it available, add an appropriate amount of a stress relieving, ammonia reducing, and slime coat protective product such as Stress Guard 

Step 3: Start a siphon using an airline tube from the aquarium they are going into, to the acclimation bucket the fish are in. Alternatively add 8oz of water from the tank every 15 minutes for 1 hour.

Step 4: You are interested in acclimating the fish to the water conditions as well as bringing the temperature up to the same temp as the tank you will be placing them.  If possible add an air-stone to start to improve the waters oxygen

Step 5: After about 1hr increase the drip rate by 1-2 drips/second or 12-16 oz every 15  minutes over another hour.

Step 6: When the volume of water in the acclimation bucket gets close to the top, discard 1/4-1/2 the water in the acclimation bucket.

Step 7: Repeat steps 5 for another hour,

Step 8: On the last time discarding water from the acclimation bucket drain the bucket down to a point where the fish just has enough water to cover its body.

Step 9: Sit the shipping bucket sideways into the aquarium and allow the fish to freely swim into the aquarium.