Master Subin Na Nathong (Kruba Subin Sumetso), the python's spur, possesses wealth, great charm, fortune, shines brightly.

Product Introduction :

Master Subin Na Nathong (Kruba Subin Sumetso)

python spur Mystery of magic Whoever owns it will have good luck. There is always incredible fortune coming in.
python spur Rare mystical items It is a popular talisman and amulet that is good for luck in all forms of gambling, whether it be poker, Sic Bo, Fantan or others. that is called gambling Down with the snake's heart mantra, which is Vasukri....python's spur. ....It is something that has its own mystique. That's called magic. That's it. Ancient people have said up to the present day that the snake's spur is mystical. Holy secret power is a wonderful thing. Whoever owns it will have good luck. There is always good fortune coming in. prosperous life It makes trading incredibly easier. Naturally, only males and old pythons have spurs, which is considered a very valuable or wonderful item. By nature, normal snakes have to saw off to find food. But older pythons will not go out to find food like other snakes, but will travel if the territory is to lie and wait for prey. When the python is hungry for food, spurs will grow around it. Near the waste disposal hole, it will use this spur to circle the area around it. where it lies In that circle of territory, if any animal wanders into it, don't expect it to walk out again. It's like being mesmerized by a spell. Those animals will walk in and give the python a bite to eat. Even female snakes will keep coming in to mate.
Ancient texts have recorded in inscriptions that it is a very "magical" item, but in order to use it to make amulets, only the dead ones must be used. The python is very magical and valuable. The python is the only snake that has spurs. This includes only old male snakes.
For this reason, ancient texts say that it is a good and wonderful thing in itself. But in order to bring it, you must choose to bring only those that are dead, that is, old, dead, or dead, that is, there was an accident. For example, forest fires, burning to death, etc., only then will it be magical. (It's not like you're going to catch it and kill it.)
How to tell if it's a real python spur Or that fake python spur? Because this python spur will look similar. with chicken paws There are only a few differences. If it's a chicken's paw, when all parts are completely dry, the skin on the paw will wither and shrink and stick to
The chicken bones are stuck together and can hardly be removed. This type is called fake.
If it's a real python spur It looks like this: At the base of the nail, there will be a lump of flesh tightly clinging together. Even if it is dried for a long time, it will not collapse and dry on the bone like chicken paws. The nails will be hard with long, pointed tips. Some spurs have very long curves. This is where the python must have been enormous. And the claws of this python will never fall off the bone. It will be very firmly embedded. This is what is called genuine.
Properties - Good for gambling. According to the ancient saying, (Spells the person who gambles with us) But there is a condition: don't get up. If you get up you can stop playing. (The ancient version said it like that) (spelling out people who gamble with us) - Good in terms of making a living. There are customers who come to see me. Suitable for online business work (like when a victim walks in and gives the python something to eat easily), good fortune, good business - good for great charm, kindness, and popularity (like when there are female snakes who come in for breeding without fail. (This set of snake spurs was brought by Luang Por Kai from Cambodia.) To raise money to build a church. Ampen Temple) in Cambodia, anyone who worships will join in giving thanks for the merit at this time.
This too)
Phra Ajahn Vankay Phanthasaro prays and consecrates alone. Outstanding in risk taking
Luck, kindness and charm or work that requires contact, negotiation, trading, or business work
-Golded means related to money. Harvest gold to flow in
-Threadable means something you think about or gamble on. Accomplished as desired
-Red means power over competitors. And instead of the color of blood, it makes it look like life.

This amulet will support the owner especially in case of money, luck, work and gambling very well. Who believe and respect with this snake's genital can pray for money, the selected owner will got money unexpectedly to rent this amulet.

1. Divine Naga oil.
-Made from various mystic things that has power itself in case of charm & money. Specially this oil can be changed color to be green by itself. 

2. Nang Pim snake's skin
-Made follow the ancient cambodia's subject that Phra Arjarn O studied from his master. Cambodian believe that Keng Kong snake is one of holy god. Nang Pim snake's skin will help the owner to be promoted for work. Good for charm and authority. If you want to pray for your wish, just offer with white rum and then your wish will be succeed soon.

3. Wealthy Takrud.
-It will help the owner to be flexible in business, lucky, and got money unexpectedly.

4. Mesmerizing male&female's mind Takrud.
-Hypnotize people’s mind to be yours, hypnotize every eye to look at you, hypnotize everyone to fall in love with you, and hypnotize people feeling to surrender because of your charm.

5. Lalang's Root.
-This grass grew in the deserted church. Thai people believe that the temple area is only the place in the heaven, world and hell that the prince PaLee can not assert to own ,but this grass can grow in the deserted church so, it is very special and good power itself.

6. White Pattarord's Root.
-“Pattarord” which means “Forever Through” is one of the well-known herb that will support the owner always have, always get, always happy and always good forever like as its name. It also clear and obviate all of obstacles out.

7. The Mystical Millionaire Coin.
-This coin has the mystical power inside itself. Even it is easy to see but, it is very difficult to get. There are many complex ceremonies to transform the mystical power of this ring to be the powerful amulet. It is the excellent property that even the dead person can use in the world after death like as VIP card that use to open the gate to the heaven. Moreover, the finder of this coin has no chance to use but, the user of this coin can use it without finding. Therefore, who has this coin will get money and luck more easily and smoothly like as the wealthy tiger that always has victims to eat comfortably. Can use to be the charming amulet or gambling amulet also effective. All obstacles will be simple when the owner of this coin makes merit and share to the deity spirit of the coin and then the deity spirit will make the owner’s wish come true surprisingly.

8. Calling Money Wax.
-Very good to attract money come.
Blessing With Forbidding High Class Subject.

This “Snake's Genital Of Naga’s Treasury” is more special than others generation because Luang Por Kay (Luang Por Van Kay) assort various Naga magic subjects to chant this snake's genital such as Snake-shaped loop, Name of Naga and Naga rhythm. These Naga subject resulted as flourish, wealth, and protection from bad things.

Product Description : 

● Brand : 
Master Subin Na Nathong (Kruba Subin Sumetso)
● Condition : New
● Type : Master Subin Na Nathong (Kruba Subin Sumetso), the python's spur, possesses wealth, great charm, fortune, shines brightly.
● Quantity : 1 Pcs. 

How to Pray : 
(do it for the first time when receiving the amulet)
- Light 3 incense sticks to worship the Buddha (flowers, incense sticks, candles if you have them)
-If it is a sacred object, amulet, hold it in your hand. If it is a large Buddha image, place it on a suitable shelf or table.
-Then follow the steps for inviting monks below.

Words of prayer for various sacred objects (can be used with all objects)
Said Namo Tassa 3, continue.
Buddha Aradhananang
Dhamma Aradhananang
Sangha Aradhananang
Phutthang Prasit Mae
Thammang Prasit Mae
Sangkhang Prasit Mae

I pay tribute to all the teachers, Brahmas, and gods who guard this sacred object.
I.....Last name.....Born on..Month...Year.........
Please invite..(name of the sacred object) come worship and hang it around your neck or in the house.
for good fortune Be a mascot in life
With the virtues of teachers, noble monks, virtues of the Dhamma
May your grace protect and spread. Help support your destiny and career.
May you find only happiness. Prosperity for me...don't starve..don't want.
Don't be difficult..Don't be poor..Don't be inferior to others..Don't be inferior to anyone else..
Prosper with wealth, abundance, and happiness.
..I want to be a millionaire. There is always money to spend.
Help and support Buddhism forever. Amen. Success, success, success.
"This is finished. It can be considered usable. Or do it every day, the better."