This rare 1998 Harley-Davidson Barbie Doll, Collector Edition 17692, is a must-have for any Barbie collector or motorcycle enthusiast. With blonde straight hair, blue eyes, and light complexion, this Caucasian doll stands at 11 1/2 inches tall and comes in its original packaging (unopened). The doll is dressed in a fashionable biker outfit, sunglasses,  helmet, complete with a black leather jacket, chaps, and boots, and a Harley-Davidson logo on her belt buckle.

This doll is perfect for all occasions and is suitable for teens, adults, and youth. The Barbie doll belongs to the franchise of Mattel and the product line of Harley-Davidson Barbie. It is a vintage item from the year 1999 and is an original, licensed reproduction. The doll is a single unit and does not include any other accessory.