Unimate and Balance

Unimate 30 Sachets and Balance 60 Sachets

Informazioni su Unimate:

Unimate aiuta a rendere i grandi giorni laregola, non l'eccezione.

La yerba mate proviene dauna pianta originaria del Sud America, dove è stata consumata nei rituali dellacomunità per centinaia di anni. Naturalmente ricca di antiossidanti e sostanzenutritive, l'erba mate è stata tradizionalmente utilizzata per promuovere lachiarezza mentale, la resistenza, il controllo dell'appetito e un umoremigliore.

Le foglie di yerba mate in Unicity Unimate subiscono un processo unico incinque fasi: raccolta manuale, tostatura al fuoco, estrazione, concentrazione epurificazione. Di conseguenza, Unimate è un estratto esclusivo che esalta ibenefici dell'erba mate e contiene fino a 10 volte la quantità di acidiclorogenici (elementi di benessere) presenti in una tipica tazza di caffè.

Indipendentemente dalle attività quotidiane che ti aspettano, Unimate sosterràla tua funzione cognitiva e la tua resistenza e ti aiuterà a sentirti bene.


Yerba mate di altaqualità, purificata e ultra concentrata

Ricca fonte di:

-Acidi clorogenici


-Mate saponine


Comode bustine monodose

Senza zucchero(saccarosio)


Unimate è straordinariamente potente grazie all'originale processo in cinquefasi di Unicity: raccolta manuale, tostatura al fuoco, estrazione di molecolebiologiche attive, concentrazione di yerba mate e purificazione. Il risultato èuna bevanda a base di yerba mate che contiene fino a 375 volte più acidiclorogenici rispetto ad altre bevande a base di yerba mate disponibili incommercio.


Favorisce sensazioni di benessere e relax*

Supporta processi cognitivi sani*

Aiuta a mantenere la resistenza e la resistenza*

Promuove la sazietà*

Supporta gli sforzi per la gestione del peso*

Supporta livelli di colesterolo sani*

Favorisce una sana digestione*

Promuove la produzione di chetoni nel corpo*

Supporta la salute metabolica generale*



Prima di allenarsi.

Al mattino per iniziare la giornata con una sferzata di energia.

Tra i pasti.

Ogni volta che vuoi combattere la nebbia del cervello o l'affaticamento mentale.

Prima di una riunione, un test o una presentazione importante.




Mescolare il contenuto di una bustina in 200-250 ml di acqua (fredda o calda).

Mescola bene e bevi.

Unimate Balance

Mostpeople know that fiber supports digestive health. Butin addition to aidingdigestion, fiber can can also help support weight management and healthy bloodsugar levels. 

This is especially true for soluble fiber. However,the prevalence of processed foods and modern farming techniques has led tohigher levels of sugar and lower levels of fiber in many of the foods we eat. Balanceis a pre-meal drink with a patented fiber matrix that includes bioactive plantcompounds, polysaccharides,and micronutrients. The fibre matrix helps topromote healthy digestion and support the feeling of satiety.Balance containsimportant vitamins, minerals and solublefibre to support weightmanagement.Balance: the smart solution to balanced nutrition

How does Balance work?

Balance includes viscous solublefiber. Viscous soluble fiber forms a thick gel when combined with water and asit moves through the digestive tract. The gel-like substance helps slow theemptying of your stomach, which results in prolonged satiety.


Why are there vitamins andminerals in Balance?

For effective digestion, the bodyneeds numerous vitamins and minerals. The nutrients in Balance contribute to abalanced diet.


Can I take Balance at othertimes of the day or before having a snack?

Yes. Many people who use Balancefind that they consume fewer snacks between meals, and if they indulge, theyfeel better afterward.


Who can take Balance?

We recommend Balance for adultswho want to maintain good health. Pregnant and nursing women should consulttheir physician before taking Balance. As with any nutritional supplement, ifyou have any questions, consult your healthcare provider prior to use.


Can I drink Balance withother Unicity fiber products?

Each person’s dietary fibertolerance is different. When adding new sources of fiber to your diet, take itslow to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.


Can I still take Balance ifI forgot to take it before a meal? Should I skip it if I already ate?

It is always best to have Balancebefore a meal, but it would be better to take it late rather than not at all.It will still have some effect on the food that was eaten.


Can I take this product withless than the recommended amount of water?

Taking this product without therecommended amount of liquid may cause choking. Do not use this product if youhave difficulty swallowing.

How does Unimate Tea work?

How much ca­ffeine is in oneserving of Unimate?

The product has been tested foran upper caffeine limit, and it has about as much caffeine as one cup ofpremium co­ffee. However, since natural ingredients can have some variation,the caffeine amount is not standardized.


Can I take Unimate with UnicityMatcha?

Yes, you can use both products atthe same time. Both products contain caffeine, so caffeine-sensitiveindividuals would be well advised to not drink the beverages together or beforebed.


Is this product compatiblewith ketogenic or other low-carb diets?

Unimate is ideal for keto orother low-carb diets because it helps make the body more effcient at producingketones, the body’s quick energy source from fat. Unimate prevents that tired,empty, listless feeling that comes from not having enough to eat because ithelps the body use stored fat for energy.


How is this product diff­erentfrom Unicity Matcha?

The two products diff­er in thetypes of energy they provide: Unicity Matcha supports physical energy, andUnimate supports mental energy. Matcha increases the amount of energy (ATP)produced, resulting in more cellular energy. Unimate promotes an improved mood,a sense of well-being, and it promotes the feeling that you can accomplishanything. Additionally, since Unimate also enhances ketone production, ketonescan provide energy as well.


What are mate saponins?

Mate saponins are a class ofsaponin molecules that are specific to the yerba mate plant. Mate saponins havebeen shown to have significant biological eff­ects, particularly in the realmof weight loss and fat burning.


Why can’t pregnant ornursing women use this product?

Can kids use Unimate? Unicitydoes not test products on children, pregnant women, or nursing women.Therefore, Unicity cannot recommend usage for these demographics. It is alsogood to note that Unimate does contain natural caffeine, and many sourcesindicate that caffeine may not be good for pregnant women or young children.


What are chlorogenic acids?

Chlorogenic acids are a family ofpolyphenol compounds found in plants and seeds, such as yerba mate, green coff­eebeans, and tea. They have important biological eff­ects, including supportinghealthy blood pressure, supporting healthy brain function, and promoting animproved mood. Unimate contains up to 375 times more chlorogenic acids thanstandard yerba mate drinks.


What is theobromine?

Theobromine is a molecule that issimilar in structure to caffeine. It is perhaps best known as the mood-boostingmolecule found in high-quality chocolate. Theobromine promotes feelings ofcalm, improves focus, and reduces mental fatigue. Unimate has three times moretheobromine than high-quality dark chocolate.