Warmachine Mk III Khador Lot of 40 figures


Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of Khardov (Butcher1) - partially painted
Kommander Zoktavir, the Butcher Unleashed (Butcher3) - bare metal, some assembly required; has 2 War Argus, primed, with magnetized bases
Karchev the Terrible (Karchev1) - bare metal, some assembly required
The Old Witch of Khador & Scrapjack (Old Witch1) - Old Witch is bare metal and unassembled, Scrapjack is primed with a magnetized base
Assault Kommander Strakhov & Kommandos (Strakhov2) - Strakhov is bare metal, Kommandos (2) are primed with magnetized bases
Obavnik Kommander Zerkova & Reaver Guard (Zerkova2) - Zerkova is bare metal and some assembly required, Reaver Guard (2) are primed with magnetized bases

Ruin - nicely painted
2 Khador Archaic Heavy Warjack Kits - primed, partially magnetized

Units: all have magnetized bases
Doom Reavers (6) - partially painted, with Greylord Escort, primed
Greylord Ternion (3) - primed
Kayazy Eliminators (2) - primed
Widowmakers (4) - primed

Solos/Attachments: all have magnetized base except mounted Fenris
Fenris - mounted bare metal, some assembly required; dismounted, primed with a bit of paint
Greylord Adjunct - primed
Koldun Kapitan Valachev - primed
Koldun Lord - primed
Kovnik Andrei Malakov (Malakov1) - primed
War Dog - primed
Widowmaker Marksman - primed with a bit of paint
Yuri the Axe - primed

Broken Egg Games Khador Mk III Faction Token Set

Buyers are responsible for any taxes or duties required.