ABUS 4-Digit Combination Anti-Theft Padlock - Blue 145/40 blue

Brand : Abuse
Solid padlock housing made of anodised coated aluminum – corrosion resistant – Individually customizable 4-digit code – Comfortable use without a key, low weight – Protection of items of small value or with a low risk of theft – For example for protection luggage, lockers in schools and sports centers, cassettes, chests, tool boxes, electrical installations, etc. Blue color
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ABUS 4-Digit Combination Anti-Theft Padlock - Blue 145/40 blue Brand : Abuse Solid padlock housing made of anodised coated aluminum – corrosion resistant – Individually customizable 4-digit code – Comfortable use without a key, low weight – Protection of items of small value or with a low risk of theft – For example for protection luggage, lockers in schools and sports centers, cassettes, chests, tool boxes, electrical installations, etc. Blue color eBay store powered by Shopping Feed.
ABUS 4-Digit Combination Anti-Theft Padlock - Blue 145/40 blue Brand : Abuse Solid padlock housing made of anodised coated aluminum – corrosion resistant – Individually customizable 4-digit code – Comfortable use without a key, low weight – Protection of items of small value or with a low risk of theft – For example for protection luggage, lockers in schools and sports centers, cassettes, chests, tool boxes, electrical installations, etc. Blue color eBay store powered by Shopping Feed.