Here is a handkerchief from my Mum's collections of goodies.  She wrote several local boys who became servicemen during the course of the war, most of whom returned, some of whom didn't.  That's where this handkerchief comes from.  Now I THINK it's silk.  I found a thread sticking out of the edge of it and burned it to test it.  If something is synthetic it gives you an unholy stink of burning plastic and usually leaves a charred little hard ball.  This just went poof and smelled like burnt paper.  It's a shiny, fairly heavy fabric, stiff and weighty so, silk, I think.

Anyway it says Frae (from) Bonnie Scotland.  It measures 10 1/2" square an it was very likely sent to her from an airman training there.  Army and Navy servicemen didn't often get up to Scotland but many airmen did.

Good luck and thanks for looking at one of The Mighty Atom's sales.