From what I could find about this glass basket, it is made by Murano. It's a heavy piece of glass, that's for sure. Stands roughly 9 in tall by 5 and 1/4 across the front at the bottom by three and a half inches deep across the bottom of the handles. No chips or cracks.

I.offer a full refund to the buyer, in which case, I have accidentally not described the item accurately, or the pictures did not come out to show it as for what it is. As stated, I will give a full refund to the buyer for this purchase.

In the case where the buyer has purchased this item and has a change of heart and no longer wants it, I will still accept it to be returned up to 30 days. The only difference is if the buyer is wanting to return just because they changed their mind. They will be responsible for paying the shipping cost to send it back. If and when I receive it back and there's no damage to it as there wasn't at the time I shipped it, I will refund the buyer his purchase price immediately. Payment is to be made within 3 days after end of the auction. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. The handles