1.28 g., Copper, 15 mm. Ruler: Nicholas II Obv: Crowned
monogram Rev: Denomination and date

The Republic of Finland, the third northernmost state of
the European continent, has an area of 130,559 sq. mi. (338,127
sq. km.) and a population of 5.1 million. Capital: Helsinki.
Lumbering, shipbuilding, metal and woodworking are the
leading industries. Paper, timber, wood pulp, plywood and metal
products are exported.
The Finns, who probably originated in the Volga region
of Russia, took Finland from the Lapps late in the 7th century.
They were conquered in the 12th century by Eric IX of Sweden,
and brought into contact with Western Christendom. In 1809,
Sweden was conquered by Alexander I of Russia, and the
peace terms gave Finland to Russia which became a grand
duchy, with autonomy, within the Russian Empire until Dec. 6,
1917, when, shortly after the Bolshevik revolution it declared
its independence. After a brief but bitter civil war between the
Russian communists and Finnish nationalists in which the
Whites (nationalists) were victorious, a new constitution was
adopted, and on Dec. 6, 1917 Finland was established as a
republic. In 1939 Soviet troops attacked Finland over disputed
territorial concessions which were later granted in the peace
treaty of 1940. When the Germans invaded Russia, Finland
became involved and in the Armistice of 1944 lost the Petsamo
area to the Soviets.