To assure the safety of the item during shipment I will deconstruct the box (will be included) and wrap the glass with bubble wrap. Please reach out with any questions.

Introducing the new CHEMEX 8-cup Filter-Drip Coffeemaker POUR OVER Glass Wooden COLLAR Coffee, perfect for coffee enthusiasts who prefer a classic brewing method. This coffee maker is made of high-quality glass and features a wooden collar for easy handling while brewing. It can hold up to 40 oz of ground coffee, making it an ideal size for a family or a group of friends.

The Chemex CM-8A is a perfect fit for those who love to enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning. Its components include coffee filters, which ensure that the coffee is free of any impurities. This Filter-Drip Coffee Maker has a brewing time of just 5 minutes and can make up to 8 cups of coffee. The clear glass body adds to the aesthetics of the coffee maker, and the German craftsmanship ensures that it is durable and of high quality.