cne Patch Tag Hydrocolloid Pimple Spot Acne Patch Plaster 36pc Sheet Sticker

Our Acne Patch Tags come in a pack of 36, making it easy to keep a supply on hand for whenever a pimple pops up. The patches are transparent and come in two sizes (small and medium), so you can choose the best fit for your blemish.

  • Hydrocolloid Technology: Our patches are made with hydrocolloid, a material that absorbs excess oils and impurities from your skin. This helps to reduce the size and redness of your pimples and zits and promotes faster healing.

  • Waterproof: You can wear our patches in the shower or while swimming without worrying about them falling off. They're designed to stay put, even in wet conditions.

  • Two Sizes: Our patches come in two sizes (small and medium) to fit a variety of blemish sizes. The small patches are perfect for tiny pimples and zits, while the medium patches work well on larger blemishes.

  • Transparent: The patches are transparent, so you can wear them out in public without anyone noticing. They're great for wearing during the day or at night while you sleep.

  • Easy to Apply: The patches are simple to use - just peel off the backing and apply them to your pimple or zit. They're discreet and won't interfere with your daily activities.

  • Moist Healing Environment: The hydrocolloid technology creates a moist healing environment, which helps to speed up the natural healing process of the skin. This also protects the area from external irritants and prevents further infection.

  • Gentle: Our patches are gentle on all skin types and are a great alternative to harsh acne treatments that can dry out your skin and cause irritation. They're also safe to use daily.

Overall, our Acne Patch Tags are a convenient and effective solution for treating pimples and zits. With their advanced hydrocolloid technology and easy-to-use design, you can enjoy clearer, smoother skin in no time.

Please Note:

Our Acne patches are designed with simplicity in mind. We've opted for straightforward packaging to prioritize affordability without compromising on the effectiveness of our product. By keeping our packaging simple, we're able to offer you a cost-effective solution for tackling acne while ensuring the quality of the patches inside remains top-notch