Medicine has proven that on the wrist there are important points (6 in total) that are responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. This therapeutic bracelet uses a strong magnetic field to influence the above points, thus stimulating the functioning of these systems. The body (if a person regularly wears magnetic jewelry) after a while seems to begin to work with new energy and strength.

Condition - excellent
Color: Silver.
Magnetic stretch bracelet contains 6 strong magnets and is made of stainless steel. Purchased in the 80s. Made in Japan.

(from the instructions for the bracelet)
APPROVED medical device by the Japanese government
APPROVAL NO. (48B) 621

When you wear the "Aimante" magnetic bracelet on your wrist, a very weak electric current is generated in the blood circulating in the body. When such weak current passes through the blood, the ions increase in number and ionized blood circulates throughout the body, which leads to improved blood circulation, especially in the shoulder and arms. Thus, it eliminates stiff shoulder and fatigue.
When you have pain in your right shoulder, you wear this bracelet on your right hand; in the same way, you wear it on your left wrist when you have pain in your left shoulder.
The "Aimante" bracelet can be used not only for health, but also for fashion and decoration.

1) Wear it on your wrist. Do not wear it on your shoulder or leg.
2) Do not pull the bracelet too hard, this may cause it to break.
3) Do not twist the bracelet. This may cause damage.
4) Do not wear it while bathing or swimming. It will become rusty.
5) Wipe it with a soft cloth when it is sweaty from your hands, use alcoholic cosmetics.
6) Do not bring magnetic cards, audio and video cassettes close to it.