"The Three Brothers, 4000 ft. high." (50)

Published by E. & H. T. Anthony & Company. They were the largest supplier and distributors of photographic supplies in the United States during the 19th century, owned by Edward Anthony and Henry T. Anthony. Edward's former company, "E. Anthony & Company" started publishing stereoviews in 1859 and the name was changed to E. & H. T. Anthony & Company in 1862 when Henry joined the business. They maintained a close business relationship with famed American photographer and portraitist Mathew Brady, until his death in 1896. The company later became Anthony & Scovill Company in 1901, after a merger with Scovill Manufacturing.

This is a stereoview (also known as a stereograph or stereoscope card). It was one of the first forms of 3D photography. The images were captured with a special stereoscopic camera, which had two lenses - simulating the view of our left and right eyes. The two, nearly identical pictures were then mounted next to each other (most commonly on a piece of cardstock, glued on as photographs or printed as lithographs). The image could then be seen in three dimensions when viewed through a device known as a stereoscope, stereopticon, televiewer and/or realisticscope.

Imperial-size stereograph, measuring about 4 x 7 inches.