Each weaver uniquely crafts an authentic piece of artwork, designed for use in home.The rug is thick, durable and unique and washable

You can use the rug in office room living room, dinning room ... fit in any room except bathroom


as wall art, as the rug is one of kind, and made by artist women


Hand-woven and hand-knotted

Please note that I need 2 to 3 DAYS after the purchase to wash and

clean, and repair if there is a stain or hole, before i can ship them.

❖Shipping Times and Store policies are at the bottom of my store home page.

❖Shipping: traceable, Fast and FREE Worldwide By FedEx/DHL/skynet/Aramex


you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me, I'll answer you in less than 10 minutes at most of the
