Insect collecting is an ideal hobby, it is also great fun. Insect ollecting is exciting, as anyone who has just made A fine catch or has 

discovered a new or unusual specimen will tell you. It is also satisfy-ing, as it provides an opportunity to build a fine collection as you assort, arrange, and classify specimens in an orderly manner. This is an economical hobby, as very little equipment is needed to get started.

Insect collecting is a very rewarding hobby, too. If you follow the principles discussed in this book you will build a collection of lasting scientific value. At the same time, you will be increasing your own knowledge, not only of insects, but of biology, principles of classification (taxonomy), and ecology, too. Many scientific careers have been launched as a result of this hobby.

Collecting is not only fun-it's easy, too! Insects are found almost everywhere, so no matter where you live there are literally thousands of different kinds of insects that you can collect in your own neigh-borhood.

Making an insect collection is a hobby you can enjoy throughout the year. During the warmer months, you spend time "in the field"…