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"When We All Lived in the Forest (24-page story) At night, Buddy Baker reads a story to his daughter Maxine, but when she falls asleep, he takes the opportunity to recall the events of the day. He had researched B'wana Beast at the library, and then tracked him to the San Diego Zoo. There, he found the body of Djuba, a monkey infected with a genetically altered anthrax virus. He was confronted by B'wana Beast, who attacked him, using his fusion powers to turn the zoo animals into dangerous chimeras. Unfortunately, B'wana Beast collapsed as a result of his having contracted the virus from Djuba's body. Thinking that he would die, B'wana Beast bemoaned the state of human civilization, and its mistreatment of animals and nature. Refusing to let the him die, Animal Man absorbed B'wana Beast's fusing powers to turn his white blood cells into super defenders, to fight off the virus. Animal Man had then returned to S.T.A.R. Labs where he expressed his shame at becoming involved in Dr. Myers' immoral and barbaric activities. Dr. Myers responded negatively, and Buddy was unable to restrain himself from punching the doctor. Meanwhile, at the Baker home, Ellen Baker and Maxine returned from their ordeal in the forest with several sick kittens. Their neighbor Mrs. Weidermeir attempted to help, but many died. Later, when Buddy finishes his recollections, Ellen is pleased to announce that one of the kittens would survive. Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, a recovered B'wana Beast returns with Djuba's corpse and as vengeance, fuses her body with that of the living Dr. Myers. Dr. Myers' cohorts then collect his body to be taken for testing. NOTE: This issue opens with Buddy reading directly from the popular picture book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak."