EddieSoft CAN Hacker is a universal twin channel CAN-USB interface. The device will help you connect to the CAN bus, analyze the transmitted data and send your packets.

Technical specifications:
CAN channels quantity: 2;
PC connection: USB 2.0 Virtual COM Port, CDC class;
Software: SavvyCAN and CanHacker v2.00.
Analyzing the work of CAN buses of cars and speWorking on the bench with ECUs and vehicle units controlled by CAN ;
Emulating the sensors and control units directly on the vehicle;
Programming ECUs;
Reverse engineering of CAN/LIN networks for vehicle monitoring and telemetry.
All these features are invaluable in the process of car repair, as well as during the installation and development of additional security, telematic and navigation equipment for any vehicle.
Implement communication with CAN bus.
send & receive can frames
supports standart (11 bit) & extended (29 bit) frames
supports remote frames (RTR)
supports filter by ID (mask + code)
interface using Stream: ability to work with Serial, SoftwareSerial, Ethernet and other
supported can baudrates from 10Kbps up to 1Mbps

It has many functions specifically meant for reverse engineering data found on the CAN bus:
- Ability to capture even very highly loaded buses
- Ability to connect to many dongles simultaneously
- Scan captured traffic for data that looks coherent
- Show ASCII of captured data to find things like VIN numbers and traffic to and from the radio
- Graph data found on the bus
- Load and Save many different file formats common to CAN capture tools (Vector captures, Microchip, CANDo, PCAN, and many more)
- Load and Save DBC files. DBC files are used to store definitions for how data are formatted on the bus. You can turn the raw data into things like a RPM, odometer readings, and more.
- UDS scanning and decoding
- Scripting interface to be able to expand the scope of the software