Note from seller - there is wear and tear as it has been used for the last 2 or so years. The wheels and chasis have been fixed by icandy recently. There is cosmetic damage such as scratches to the chasis but working order.

There hood/canopy has a slight tear and the colours have faded.

This iCandy Orange tandem double 2-in-1 travel system is perfect for parents with twins or siblings of different ages. The versatile pushchair allows for both forward and rear-facing seating arrangements and has adjustable handles for added comfort. It comes with a footmuff/apron, integrated brake system, and a carry handle for easy transportation.

The pushchair is suitable from birth and has a seating capacity for two. It is travel system compatible and has lockable swivel wheels for smooth manoeuvring. The iCandy Orange comes in a stylish blue colour and includes features such as a cup holder, hood/canopy, and bassinet/carrycot. This pushchair is a great investment for parents who value functionality and style.

There is also an integrated buggy board and shopping basket at the bottom