344348 - STEERING PUMP FOR OPEL CORSA B 1.4 16V 1.4 16V 51 | 90473169



Part data

Ref. internal
Ref. maker
90473169 | 2605153B

Vehicle version

OPEL CORSA B 1.4 16V 1.4 16V

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Do you want us to assure you that this part corresponds to your vehicle? We can check it! You just have to send us the VIN number of your vehicle
Do you want us to assure you that this piece corresponds to your vehicle? We can check it! You just have to send us the VIN number of your vehicle
Do you ensure that this piece corresponds to your vehicle? Now we can check it! If you need to send the identification number of your vehicle
Can we make sure that this piece corresponds to your vehicle? We can control it! Just send the VIN number of your vehicle.
Möchten Sie, dass wir Ihnen versichern, dass dieses Teil Ihrem Fahrzeug entspricht? Wir können is überprüfen! Sie müssen uns nur die VIN-Nummer Ihres Fahrzeugs senten.
344348 - STEERING PUMP FOR OPEL CORSA B 1.4 16V 1.4 16V 51 | 90473169 OPEL CORSA B 1.4 16V 1.4 16V Do you want us to assure you that this part corresponds to your vehicle? We can check it! You just have to send us the VIN number of your vehicle Do you want us to assure you that this piece corresponds to your vehicle? We can check it! You just have to send us the VIN number of your vehicle Do you ensure that this piece corresponds to your vehicle? Now we can check it! If you need to send the identification number of your vehicle Can we make sure that this piece corresponds to your vehicle? We can control it! Just send the VIN number of your vehicle. Möchten Sie, dass wir Ihnen versichern, dass dieses Teil Ihrem Fahrzeug entspricht? Wir können is überprüfen! Sie müssen uns nur die VIN-Numm