Elephant Diaries - Series 1 DVD Kenya **NEW & SEALED  - FREE POST**

UK Release, Region 2. English Language. English subtitles are available on the disc and can be toggled on or off.

Join Michaela Strachan and Jonathan Scott as they follow a year in the life of one of Africa's most unusual families: a herd of orphan elephants raised by people. Elephant Diaries is a real-life drama filled with friendship, jealousy, bravery, humour and heartache.
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Nairobi, Kenya is a phenomenal establishment: an elephant nursery where calves that have lost their families are raised by a team of keepers.
The dedicated staff become their human mothers, nursing them back to health, feeding them, playing with them and even sleeping with them at night - anything to give these vulnerable babies the care and reassurance they so desperately need.

Michaela and Jonathan's year with the Trust is an emotional rollercoaster full of heartbreak and elation, laughter and tears and triumphs and disasters. As the series unfolds, scared
infants meet new playmates, make life-long friends and learn what it means to trust again. Jealousies form and grief is expressed, but the memories of their traumatic rescues are always present.
Amid humour and heartache, the orphans face constant change as they are nurtured back to health and prepared for the biggest step of all - will these orphaned elephants be able to leave their new family and return to life among
the wild herds?