This bespoke 3 Spool Filament Dry Box comes prebuilt, taking most of the time and effort out of making your own storage solution.


-  Store and feed up to 3x 1kg spools.

-  Quick and easy to switch over filament.

-  Consistent low humidity environment.

-  Stackable...because no great story starts with ‘I only use 3 rolls of filament’

What's included? Everything in the images.

(Filament for illustration purposes only)

-  Box with added weatherproof seal and lid.

-  Digital humidity and temperature sensor. 

-  250g bag of moisture-absorbing silica.

-  PC4-M6 filament outlets with short PTFE guide tubes.

-  Smooth running bearings and securing nuts.

-  Steel rod.

-  3D printed parts.

Some assembly required!

When assembling the rod, position the washers so the lip faces the bearing. This will allow them to run smooth, see pictures for layout.


Q. How often do I have to recharge the silica bag?

A. Provided the silica is not exposed to the open air for a long period of time, it shouldn't need recharging for at least a year. If however, you do notice the humidity creeping over 30% (wait at least 24hrs after opening the box for an accurate reading) then it can be as easy as popping it in the microwave.

Q. Can I use this box with my cardboard rolls? 

A. Yes. This version is specifically designed for cardboard spools, a single rod runs through the middle. It’ll also take plastic spools if you have both.

Any other questions get in touch.