Live Pike Killifish (Belonesox belizanus)

The pike killifish, Belonesox belizanus, also known as the pike topminnow or freshwater needlefish, is a species native to freshwater habitats in Central America, particularly in Belize and Mexico. These fish are characterized by their elongated, needle-like bodies and predatory behavior.

  1. Habitat: Pike killifish are commonly found in slow-moving or still freshwater environments such as ponds, lakes, and slow-flowing rivers. They tend to inhabit areas with aquatic vegetation, submerged structures, and overhanging vegetation, providing them with both shelter and hunting grounds.

  2. Water Parameters: These fish typically thrive in warm water conditions. They prefer temperatures ranging from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius (68 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit). The water quality should be well-maintained, with a pH level between 6.5 and 8.0.

  3. Tank Setup: In captivity, pike killifish are often kept in aquariums with a minimum size of 30 gallons. The tank should be well-aerated and equipped with a filter to ensure good water quality. Adding artificial or live plants can provide hiding spots and simulate their natural environment.

  4. Substrate: A sandy or fine gravel substrate is suitable for the pike killifish. This allows them to exhibit their natural behavior, including burrowing and searching for prey in the substrate.

  5. Diet: Pike killifish are carnivorous and have a voracious appetite. In the wild, they feed on small fish, insects, and other aquatic invertebrates. In captivity, they can be fed a diet of live or frozen foods such as small fish, worms, and insect larvae.

  6. Compatibility: While pike killifish are generally aggressive towards smaller fish and may eat smaller tankmates, they can be kept with larger, more robust species that are not easily intimidated.

  7. Behavior: These fish are known for their aggressive and predatory behavior. They are skilled jumpers, so it's important to have a secure lid on the aquarium to prevent them from escaping.

An environment that mimics their natural habitat and offering a varied and appropriate diet are key factors in keeping these fish healthy and thriving.

Random gender unless requested through messages

Wild caught specimens (2-4 inches)

Perfect for ponds

Dead on Arrival/ Damaged: Clear photos must be taken of the fish in the original packaging within 2 hours of delivery to be refunded

The fish you will receive are not the actual specimen in the photo however they will be similar in size, color, and pattern.

Orders ship Monday-Thursday but may be further held if shipping into severe inclement weather.

Questions? Please contact us