Produced in Italy, these Nespresso Compatible Gourmet Coffee Capsules are brought to you by Meseta, a leading Italian Coffee Manufacturer. Now you can enjoy this intense and strong flavor while using the Nespresso machine you have at home. This particular blend stands out for its full body and unmistakable aroma that come from Asian and African Robusta beans and a special roasting procedure.

INTENSE FLAVOR PROFILE: Meseta Intenso offers a bold and full-bodied flavor that coffee enthusiasts will appreciate. Experience the robust and rich notes with a lingering aftertaste that will leave you craving for more.

NESPRESSO ORIGINAL LINE COMPATIBLE: These coffee capsules are specifically designed to be compatible with Nespresso Original Line machines, such as the Nespresso Essenza, Pixie, Citiz, Inissia, Lattissima, Creatista, Expert, Maestria, Prodigio. Ensure a hassle-free brewing process and perfect extraction every time with your favorite Original Line machine. This product is NOT compatible with Nespresso Vertuo Line.

100-PACK VALUE: Our Meseta Intenso coffee capsules come in a generous pack of 100, providing you with an ample supply of high-quality coffee. Indulge in your favorite drink without the need for frequent reordering.

ROBUSTA BEANS FROM ASIA AND AFRICA: Made from carefully selected premium Robusta beans sourced from Asia and Africa, these capsules deliver a strong and intense flavor profile. Experience the distinctive characteristics of Robusta beans, known for their rich body, unique aroma, and regional influences.

MADE WITH CARE IN ITALY: Meseta Intenso Nespresso Compatible Coffee Capsules are crafted with meticulous care in Italy, ensuring the highest quality and authentic Italian coffee experience