About This Item

POWERFUL FROTHING EXPERIENCE: Say goodbye to expensive coffee shop runs! With this milk frother, you can now enjoy lattes, cappuccinos, matcha, hot chocolate, powdered drinks, or iced coffee right at home. Its 13,000 RPM motor and 26 spiral rings transform ordinary milk into frothy perfection in mere seconds.

MATCHA, COFFEE, & MORE: Not just for coffee lovers, this versatile frother excels at making matcha tea too. Its performance surpasses that of a manual bamboo whisk. Plus, it’s compatible with various types of milk: half and half, soy, almond, oat, cashew, hazelnut, whole milk, low-fat, skim milk, and even dairy items like butter or cream. Need to mix powders? It’s got you covered. And yes, it can even whisk eggs!

EASY TO CLEAN AND STORE: After creating your delightful froth, cleaning up is a breeze. Simply place the whisk under running water and briefly turn it on. Wipe the handle with a damp cloth, and you’re done. The compact design ensures it fits neatly into kitchen drawers without taking up too much space.

SIMPLE TO USE: Just press the on/off button, and voilà! Whether you’re craving a frothy latte, need to mix protein powder, or want to whip up the perfect omelet, this milk frother delivers. 🥛☕🍳