Experience the Sonic Revolution
Step into a new realm of sound clarity and coverage with the Atlas Sound PM8FA-B. Designed to embody perfection in sound technology, it brings forth an unbeatable range of features that promise to transform your auditory experience. Delve deep into the impeccable qualities of this versatile product that's set to redefine the boundaries of sound technology.

Seamless Integration and Versatility
The Atlas Sound PM8FA-B offers seamless integration with various setups, thanks to its 70.7V taps, which range from 1.9 to 60 watts. Additionally, it also offers the versatility of an 8-ohm direct input through a concealed terminal block, facilitating a connection that is both secure and streamlined. Dive into the world of unlimited sound possibilities with this multifaceted sound device.

Embark on a Full Range Sound Journey
Immerse yourself in an auditory experience like no other with the PM8FA-B, boasting a full-range frequency response that spans from 65Hz to 20kHz. This means you get to enjoy sound reproduction that is both rich and true to the source, taking your auditory experiences to a new pinnacle of excellence.

Unparalleled Coverage with the FA138 Driver
Experience the magic of 100-degree coverage in the 2kHz octave band courtesy of the 8" FA138 driver. The PM8FA-B ensures that even off-axis areas receive a substantial 50-degree coverage, promising an encompassing sound experience that leaves no corner untouched. Get ready to witness sound distribution that is both extensive and immersive.

Hassle-Free Installation
Bid farewell to the cumbersome installation processes with the PM8FA-B, which comes inclusive of 3 meters of 2mm cable and necessary mounting hardware. This ensures that you can have your system up and running in no time, with minimal fuss, paving the way for a hassle-free setup experience.

Discover Diverse Applications
The Atlas Sound PM8FA-B finds its true potential in a myriad of settings. From setting up an immersive sound experience in home theaters to being an essential part of corporate conference rooms, it promises to deliver excellence in every scenario. Moreover, its compatibility with standard 3/4" ceiling fan hardware makes it a versatile choice for numerous applications, promising a sound solution that is both versatile and superior.