Created and released in conjunction with Disney's feature-film sequel, Tron: Evolution is an action-driven adventure that plays through story events taking place between 1982's original Tron and 2010s Tron Legacy. The various console and handheld versions of the title are set at different places in the timeline, with the Nintendo DS game focusing on 1985. The hero is a monitor program, who appears as a human in the neon-gridded cyber-realm in which the movies and games take place. In the role of this personified program, players face fast-paced combat and platforming puzzles, using the Tron light disc to battle enemies and access remote objects and switches. The stylus is used to fling the versatile disc. Other modes of play engage the hero in grid game competitions, racing in light cycles and battling in light tanks. Players can also progress in the adventure by completing mini-games, to hack their way toward the core of the master system. In addition to the single-player campaign, Tron: Evolution supports multiplayer competition for up to four, over a local wireless connection.