Biblical 7 Revelation City Original Greek Coin Complete Set!

Authentic Original Coins: With Emperor Augustus & Commodus-Great Detail

Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea(Turkey)
Attributed at

1-IONIA, Ephesus. Commodus. As Caesar, AD 166-177. Æ 22 x 27mm 10.84 g 
Bare-headed and draped bust rt, seen from behind (old scrape on chin) / Herakles standing rt, head turned left, leaning on club and holding lion’s skin
Lindgren I 465

2-Ionia, Smyrna AE (Bronze, 13mm, 2.21g) Zeuksis, magistrate, ca 75-50 BC.
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo to right
Rev: Hand in caestus (boxing glove), palm frond to right; [ΣΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ] to outer right, ΣEYΞIΣ to outer left.
Ref: BMC 51; SNG Copenhagen

3-Mysia, Pergamon. 200-30 B.C. Æ16  3.5 gr.
Laureate and bearded head of Asklepios right /
ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΟΎ ΣΟΤΗΡΩΣ, serpent-entwined staff of Asklepios.
SNG BN 1828-48; SNG von Aulock 1373

4-Thyateira, Lydia, AE16, semi-autonomous. 193-235. Youthful head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / ΘYATEIΡHNΩN, lion walking right. Mionnet IV, 854; Paris 1391; SNG Munich 577; GRPC Lydia 109.

5-Lydia Sardes- Silver Siglos (half-stater), SGCV II 4683, Fair, banker's marks, punches, Sardes mint, 5.313g, 15.2mm, obverse beardless archer (the Great King) kneeling right, dagger in right, bow in left; reverse , oblong punch
Time of Nehemiah 10:32
Minted in Lydia while under Persian control in the period prior to Alexander the Great's conquest. 

6-Philadelphia - Lydia
Obverse: Head of Zeus right, hair bound in taenia
Reverse: Kithara (Lyre), within laurel wreath, monogram above
Inscription: ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛ-ΦΕΩΝ Metal: Bronze, Weight: 4.3 gr, Diameter: 14x15mm
120 BC ,SNG Cop 348 -2nd-3rd bc

7- Laodikeia, Phrygia. -Augustus, AE 15 BC.  18mm ΣEBAΣTOΣ, laureate head right / ZEYXIΣ ΦIΛAΛHΘHΣ ΛAOΔIKEΩN, Zeus standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. RPC 2894; SNG Cop. 555.-15bc

Revelation 1:11, on the Greek island of Patmos, Jesus Christ instructs John of Patmos to: "Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea."
What are the 7 churches of Revelation? |