These films were purchased directly from Croatia as the Efke factory was being shut down for operations. I was told these were the very last batches ever produced by the factory.

These have not been stored in a "cool dark place."

No, they have been frozen in a freezer box ever since purchase. I'm just not shooting enough film these days and am now afraid I'll die before I get to all of them. At which point my film collection will likely be discarded by unknowing survivors. So my loss is your gain. 

I've sold this film in small batches a couple times in the past, but I think this is going to be the very last sale. I'll only have a few (like 50) rolls left after this, and I don't think I can let go of those.

I will, however, put up for sale other film in my box freezer (look for 120 Velvia 100F I currently have on sale).

I will give you a 15% discount if you purchase the entire lot (30 rolls, $1275). The 15% discount will continue for the "remaining lot" until the number of remaining rolls becomes 20. After that, no more discount.