68K-MBC retro computer - PCB only
Black solder mask.

This innovative design from Just4Fun features the Motorola 68008 CPU and follows up his previous successful projects including the V20-MBC and the Z80-MBC2.

Once built, the 68K-MBC runs:

Extended 68000 BASIC
CP/M-68K from Digital Research, Inc. (DRI)

Languages that run under CP/M-68K and are included in the standard software distribution from the designer are:

68000 assembler and tools
DRI CBASIC compiler
DRI C compiler

Others, such as DRI Pascal MT and SVS Fortran, can be found via your favourite search engine.

The homepage for the project can be found here: https://tiny.one/68K-MBC. There is also an active Z80-MBC2 user group on Facebook at https://tinyurl.com/Z80-MBC2-FB which is an invaluable source of support for users of any of the Just4Fun designs.

N.B. This listing is for a bare PCB only, it is up to you to source the other components and assemble the SBC. Good soldering skills required.