Vintage Japanese Embroidery Painting/Picture
Meshi - めし - Rice, Meal
Edo Era - 1800's

Painting is likely from the 1800's. 

The characters on the flag in the upper-right corner of the painting mean "rice" or "meal." They may be placed high to make it visible to people passing by on the road.  The architecture and the manner in which the hiragana - めし - is used infer that the picture is Edo era, which ended in 1868.  

飯, めし
  • meshi

Definition of 飯,めし

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)

  • cooked rice

  • meal
  • food

  • one's livelihood

No artist signature on the painting, front or back. If you have additional information about this old picture, I'm all ears... 

Thanks for looking!