“Hitler made only one big mistake when he built his Atlantic Wall,” the paratroopers liked to say. “He forgot to put a roof on it.” - Stephen E. Ambrose, Band of Brothers: From Normandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest


On June 6, 1944, more than 11,000 aircraft were mobilized as Allied forces began a massive land, sea, and air invasion now known as D-Day. In 2019, 15 legendary DC-3 type aircraft made a historic North Atlantic crossing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Joining up with European-based aircraft, they took off from England’s Imperial War Museum on June 5th and dropped 200 paratroopers over the historic D-Day Drop Zone K. All were dressed in period-correct uniforms, jumping ‘round parachutes’ to follow in the footsteps of those who did so in 1944. 


While many events commemorated the 75th anniversary of June 6, 1944, A Fortress With No Roof focuses on the role of the airborne paratroopers of the 101st Airborne, 82nd Airborne, and the mighty DC-3/C-47aircraft. The world came together in 2019 to create a fitting tribute to the Great Crusade, which changed the course of WWII and history itself. The ceremonies celebrating the 75th anniversary of D-Day were a momentous occasion to celebrate peace, liberty, and reconciliation.


“We left Duxford heading due south between Eastborne and Beachy Head toward Sannerville, France,” recounts Gary Daniels, one of the photographers accompanying the armada across the English Channel. “I could see cars lining the roads below to catch a view of the formation. Then, the white chalk cliffs and the Old Belle Toute Lighthouse passed below as we cleared the coast. Moving around the lead elements of the formation, we flew alongside some of the seven D-Day veterans in the formation, That’s All Brother, D-Day Doll, Placid Lassie, Aces High, Virginia Ann, Daisy, and Liberty, the latter two no longer in their war paint, but in DC-3 liveries.”


The Jump Master recites the time-honored commands of the paratrooper corps: “Six minutes! Get ready! Stand up! Hook up! Check your equipment! One minute! Stand in the door! GO! GO! GO!” Nearly 200 paratroopers fill the sky over Sannerville. They have come from all over the world to take part in this commemorative jump. Participating aircraft represent the United Kingdom, United States, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Denmark, Finland, and Hungary. It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle.


Discover the inspiring story of A Fortress With No Roof, which takes readers on a journey through history with a focus on the Airborne heroes of D-Day. Heavily supported by a wide variety of original images plus professionally-restored historic pictures, the book describes the events of the 75th anniversary of D-Day in 2019 as well as high points of D-Day 1944. The revised edition includes 122 illustrated pages and is perfect for young people and adults alike. If you are someone who appreciates history and the sacrifices of those who fought for freedom - or simply looking for a great read, A Fortress With No Roof is a must-have addition to your library.


Bonus Content in the expanded 2023 edition includes:

Five Oaks Creative has been involved with five successful Kickstarter campaigns forhistoric WWII aircraft and STEM education totaling more than $500K. The 2019campaign helped fund several of the #dday75 participating squadrons and funded the publishing of A Fortress With No Roof, the official book chronicling the airborne activities of the 75th D-Day Anniversary. The five members of the Five Oaks team represent nearly 90 years of combined experience in nonprofit marketing and fundraising. www.fiveoaks.org

"Our company is based in Texas with five people on the team and a robust network of suppliers, vendors, and collaborators,” explains David O’Connor, Owner. “We have been involved with projects impacting more than 50 countries and all continents except Antarctica – and we haven’t ruled that out yet!”


A Fortress With No Roof, Editorial



Historical References