Jané Twinlink Pushchair & Pram (OPENBOX)*

Twice the Joy, Half the Effort!

Experience double the delight with Jané's Twinlink, the ultra-light double pushchair designed to simplify life for parents. Introducing the new Twinlink pushchair by Jané - a marvel of compactness, lightness, and comfort, ideal for your little ones from birth until they reach 15kg.

Its enhanced manoeuvrability is a game-changer, thanks to all-wheel suspension and dual front swivel wheels that lock as needed. The spacious basket beneath the seats offers ample storage for your essentials and theirs.

Enhance the Twinlink experience with the Smart Universal carrycot, an optional accessory that can be fitted on one or both seats, perfect for twins. Simplifying parenting, one stroll at a time.


What’s Included:


Features & Benefits:


Technical Specifications: