This workbook is an excellent resource for anyone interested in modern refrigeration and air conditioning. Published by Goodheart-Willcox Publisher in 2016, it includes 498 pages of detailed information on a variety of topics related to construction, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electronics, and equipment.

The book is authored by Alfred F. Bracciano, Daniel C. Bracciano, and Gloria M. Bracciano, and belongs to the genres of technology and engineering, house and home, and education. It measures 11 inches in length, 8.5 inches in width, and weighs 40.1 ounces. The 20th edition of the trade paperback is written in English and follows the literary movement of modernism. With its comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, this workbook is sure to be an invaluable asset to anyone looking to expand their knowledge in this field.

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