Spearmint Organic 50ml - 100% Pure Essential Oil


Spearmint oil is a member of the Lamiaceae family. This oil has a fresh minty smell reminiscent of Peppermint. The major difference is that Spearmint oil is sweeter, and not quite as harsh. It is classed as a top note and blends well with citrus, earthy, herby, minty and woodsy oils. 

Spearmint is known for its anti-nausea and soothing effects it can have on the body. It is also known to help clear the sinuses, increase energy levels and alleviate headaches. Its benefits also stretch into the world of creepy crawlies as it acts as an excellent bug repellent. 

Essential oils can be applied topically once diluted with a carrier oil. They are widely used in cosmetic goods and handmade crafts.


Botanical Name: Mentha Spicata 

Origin: India

Family: Lamiaceae

Plant Part: Flower Head 

Extraction Method: Steam Distillation

Note: Top 

Colour: Pale Yellow with a slight Green tinge 

Consistency: Light 

Aromatic Scent: Spearmint has a fresh minty smell reminiscent of Peppermint. The major difference is that Spearmint oil is sweeter, and not quite as harsh. 

Blends With: Citrus, earthy, herby, minty and woodsy oils

Group: Minty

Never use pure oils on the skin without diluting, never use internally, keep away from children and eyes, always check if there are any medical issues which could cause a problem. Seek help if you have any doubts.

If you are looking for other oils but cannot see them in Mystic Moments Shop please email me and I am sure I will be able to supply your requirements.

The information provided is for educational purposes only